About Ashley
Ashley always had that special eye for making spaces stunning. During college and later years, she would organize and decorate her friends' houses for fun, but always held a corporate position in Creative Marketing & Design where she was the Director of Marketing for Dunkin Donuts and other large brands. It wasn’t until Covid, that Ashley decided this was her time, to take the risk and leap of faith to leave the Corporate World and start her childhood dream of owning her own Organizing & Design Company, she left her marketing role and never looked back.
Within the first year, Ashley organized over 62 projects in multiple locations throughout Dallas, Chicago, and northeastern Ohio. Since then OCD has evolved into an organizing, design, staging, and high-end moving company.
About OCD
Why the name OCD? The name was important to Ashley because her main goal and care in life is to help other people. Ashley has a natural ability to connect with people, and she wanted to help them not only in their spaces but also to raise awareness about OCD/ANXIETY Disorders. Having a mild case of OCD (needing things orderly, arranging objects properly, and cleaning) in Ashley’s case.
“Throughout my life when I would have Anxious or OCD thoughts, I would start cleaning and organizing my whole house, and it wasn’t something I could control at the time, and that’s how my OCD occurs for me. I took that into my business. I took that negative aspect and turned it into a positive, and I love doing it. However, I know that many people have severe cases of OCD, and I empathize with them, and I want to help them. I couldn’t find many Charities to give back to, so I am hoping to start my own! I want people to tell their stories about OCD, and for us to have a positive supportive community around the world.